The Croods: Family Tree (2021)

Two very different families join forces to create a new community, an us-against-the-world, cave person co-op on the most amazing farm in the history of prehistory!

Last episode

Caveheart (2)
Nov 09, 2023


Jul 27, 2023

1. Alphabout

Trained by her parents, Eep competes in Alphafight. But when Eep learns that a human winning could upset the balance of nature, she must choose between winning to make her parents proud, and losing to protect the other animals.

Jul 27, 2023

2. Bad Luck Moon Rising

Phil and Guy try to disprove the Croods' belief that leaving offerings to the fire moon will prevent bad luck. But when their efforts seem to cause a series of mishaps, they'll have to retrieve the horn of a dangerous ramaconda to turn their luck around.

Jul 27, 2023

3. Beardfoot

Upset that he can't grow a beard, Grug resorts to some unorthodox hair growth methods. But when Phil's experimental hair formula makes fur grow all over Grug's body, he flees to the woods to avoid the other farm residents' attempts to shave him.

Jul 27, 2023

4. Stuck ToGuyther

An attempt to fix a broken vase leaves Guy and Hope stuck together with glue. Guy's ability to stay calm is tested when Phil is too busy to help, and the other farm residents also get stuck.

Jul 27, 2023

5. Hidelander

Terrible at hide-n-seek, Thunk asks Gran to teach him to hide. With her training, he soon becomes her partner in crime, helping her with heists and schemes.

Jul 27, 2023

6. What Liars Beneath

Dawn hates her mother's beetballs and has been secretly dumping them in the lagoon to spare her feelings. But when the Bettermans (and Eep) go on an underwater expedition in the lagoon, Dawn must keep her family from discovering her secret.